Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Windy Point

'Windy Point' was taken with my iPhone and edited on iPhoto. Never thought I'd see the day, but I felt a responsibility to mention the trip I had with my brother in Colorado in July of 2008.

The obligation? To attend a friends wedding in Breckenridge, Colorado. So what was the plan for the other 3 days? Ha, plan! You should know me better. Adventure was our compass. After getting into Denver on a late summer evening we rented a car and headed to Breckenridge...

We're here with 3 days to kill and no place to stay. Now what? Let's climb! After all, we're in the heart of the Rockies. Being from Florida we rarely get to explore in the vertical sense of direction. So we drove... up. And 20 minutes into it we were on a dirt road and still going... up. It didn't matter where we were or where we were going (and that we were in a shitty 2 wheel drive Dodge Caliber). Neither of us had any important obligations and it was clear that both tomorrow and yesterday didn't matter at that moment. The trees were green, the air was thinning, and our mobile service was nil.

Before sunset we created a comfortable camp site, chilled our local microbrew in the nearby stream and built a campfire. We were somewhere in the 2.3 million acre White River National Forest and if you asked us to find the spot again we'd probably both agree that the experience just couldn't be replicated.

1 comment:

  1. That's fucking awesome...I definitely need to get lost like that sometime soon.


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