Monday, July 13, 2009


I originally posted the above photo without posting the one below. I felt like the symbols in the photo emphasized the confusion behind the lack of context. And plus, the idea of me knowing the context and no one else knowing kinda attracted me for some reason. Enough is enough though. It's time that I let you in on the !?. Written context follows.

"Only in France"... Or so the mantra went during my short stay there last month. France is a funny place, but a place that can really draw you in. It really does capture all the typical cliches you hear: romantic, passionate, risque, bizarre. But the characteristic of France that really detained me was the discerning and balanced lifestyle of its people. They take 'not taking things seriously', very seriously. Relaxing, eating, drinking, and spending time with friends and family is a very serious affair... But you just aren't aloud to take it too seriously. Confused!?

I caught this guy chilling in Toulouse, France during a spotless Saturday afternoon bike ride. I was with two longtime friends. David, a local of Toulouse and Jaye Marie, longtime American friend and year long resident of France. It was indeed, a partnership in crime. The bike ride consisted of several stops at local bars to sip on pastis, a liquorish tasting beverage served on ice and a favorite of the southern French. We took the day to explore the river, the carnival style parks, and the busy street side cafes.

The !? tattoo pretty much summed up my time in France. Somehow taking whatever you do seriously, but in a not so serious kinda way. I'll be back soon, France... Seriously!?