I recently noticed that I haven't posted many photos with people in them. So I started rummaging the library and found this candid shot of my brother and his friends 'hanging out' on the beach. After staring at it for a while I became entranced by the extreme focus... hmm... or rather lack of focus that each had at the moment. In examining the photo, my focus immediately entered a journey to a magical place and without evening knowing it I became inspired by Lear Bunda's short film, 'Gypsy Crepes' and Joe Koubecks theme song for the film, 'Journey to a Magical Place'. I'll strongly assume that's where Jonathan, Tim, Alex and Steph are during this moment.
I can't seem to get this photo where I want it. I have about 5 different versions and for each one the colors seem either too dull or too bright and the animations are either too much or too little. I just can't get it there... Anyway, thank you to Lears inpiration, but I bet he would be able to get this right somehow.
I invite anyone to give recommendations for how to improve or I can send over the .psd and you can have at it yourself. I'll post whatever you do for a comparison, which was the motivation behind the posts title, 'Edit Me!'
Check out the Gypsy Crepes trailor here! You'll see what I mean.